Friday 17 June 2011

netball match :)

Assalamualaikum.... :)

lovely dearly my blog,
nk taw something...?? we won it...!! yeahoo...!!

ok...thats it for today..ak pown still penat pas netball match ptg td...
sangat2 seronok...we enjoyed the game...
keterujaan menguasai diri...dan telah menolak sume kegelisahan
butterflies in my stomach flew far far far away...

there're three teams of us..
2teams of students + 1team of lecturer..
firstly, our lecturer's team sangat2 kerek + banyak bunyi..
but, pape pown team ak, "Taram je",  dh beat them up...!! sangat2 seronok...!! haha :p
erm...part name team 2 ak pown xtaw ape mksud sbenar nye...
tp, menurut Miss Yaya, Centre team ak, "Taram je" = "Relaks je" gitu...
ok..xksah la 2 kn...
yg penting ktowg MENANG...!! alhamdulillah... :)
mule nye agak xsangke jgak sbab ktowg xde nk praktis sgt smlm ak taw yg ari nie match sbenar..
xpe lh...layankn jer ~ ~

the best part..
ktowg sangat2 enjoy the game... :)
(bpe kali dh ak ulang mnde same....??xksah la 2..sbb ak tgh teruje efek game td agi nieh...haha )

dh la...mlas ckp bnyak...
ak penat taw x..??
let's take a look at these pics...


while enjoying the match

~ taram je vs. lecturers ~
..bercakaran akhir nye..dan mereka hanye mampu ketawa.. :p

stakat 2 jelh ak nk share 'bout my day today..
ari esok..esok / luse / tulat je kte sambung story ye..
till next post...tataa.. ^^

p/s: sangat2 seronok dpat lepas gian main netball..haha
majulah sukan untk negara...!! yeah..!! XD

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